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Spirit Release Therapy


We each are vulnerable to good and bad spiritual influences.

In our modern day where ‘new age spirituality’ is becoming ever popular, people are opening up to the universe, where there is both light and dark.

I am writing this from my own perspective through my own experiences so if this is not resonating with you then that is ok.

When using the light for spiritual release work, we have to acknowledge the dark as there has to be balance so anyone working in this field must protect themselves by strengthening their defence mechanism.

Just as a scrub surgeon prepares before an operating procedure, as a spiritual practitioner, I do the same.


It is said that more and more children are being born with a higher vibration into a culture which has lost its spirituality. As a beacon of bright light, they are born into our closed society into a world of negativity.

Modern day culture conditions us to fit into a category which society expects and this can limit our freedom in living to our full potential in what truly makes us happy.

Spirit Release Therapy

Our spiritual health is just as important as our physical health.

Physically, we have an immune system to protect against the invasion of diseases.

Spiritually, our protection is our aura and this is where ‘things that we don’t need’ can attach to our etheric body.


It can be difficult to ‘put our finger on’ why we are not feeling ourselves and sometimes, unless we have access to someone who works as a 'spiritual' practitioner, reviewing oneself can be quite difficult. Tuning into the energy which surrounds us can be beneficial to the way we feel although there is no scientific evidence to support that manipulating such a field can impact physical health or even cure diseases.

I must stress that I am not stating that this replaces conventional medicines for diagnosed medical conditions nor am I declaring this to be a quick fix. You are in fact the 'healer' and are responsible for your own healing and actions.


As sovereign human beings (in other words independent and self-ruling), we need to feel that we are in control.

In our current climate there many people are suffering with mental health and depression. At times like this, we may not feel in full control of our mind and body which can make us vulnerable. This leads us into another subject and one possibility of why we might be feeling like this.


When the body imbalances itself, being made up of energy, another energy can easily attach to us. Let’s call this an attachment as it is attaching to the energy of the subject.

This can be deliberate, invoked or it can be an opportunist spotting a vulnerability and weakness in the person's auric field and mindset.

Attachments can be spiritual and they can also deliberate or even innocent through a thought pattern.


Psychic attacks

Anyone can be the victim of a psychic attack, animals too.

Think of the bigger picture, a thought is not just transmitted from A to B but is transmitted beyond time and space.

These thoughts, feelings and behaviours can be influenced by external sources, for example, human intention. There is always a trace and these can be found in the aura by a trained practitioner.


It is believed that traumatic experiences and events can sit in our aura both from this lifetime and from a past lifetime.

Earthbound spirits

These were once people who have died but have chosen not to go to onto the spirit world and there are many reasons for this.

Fear: Thinking they will be punished.

Shock or confusion : Where the spirit person does not know that they are dead.

Refusal: Some simply do not choose to go.

These are an energy which has left the physical body and can attach to a living person’s auric field to use it as a transporter.

Not all energies are intentionally ‘bad’ but they can drain our own energy and affect our health.

Some of these earthbound spirits can hang around busy places and hitchhike home to your house. You may have a similar energy to theirs (like for like) or you may be transmitting your energy at a frequency for the craving that they need, for example love.


There has been case studies, not my own, where a physical ailment is noted and symptoms are present but the medical profession cannot find a cause or diagnosis and so it appears to be mysterious in origin. 


Spiritual Activity in the Home

Spirit Rescue

I prefer to initially work remotely in this way as I can hone in to the exact room where activity is present and help them to pass to the light. Remember, we are energetic beings so I do not need to be physically present.

Many are earthbound spirits in a state of confusion and just need a little help and depending upon the nature of the situation,  it may be appropriate for them to blend with me in an altered state to give them a voice as another medium fascilitates in speaking and guiding them.

One which sticks in my mind was a young male child who was so upset that he could not speak for sobbing. He was under water where it was dark and was in a state of confusion as he could not see a way out. He just needed some compassion and help with direction.


I have come across some lovely earthbound spirits who have been attached to objects on the earth. I met a lovely lady in spirit who was worried about who would do the cleaning when she was gone as her furniture was her ‘pride and joy’. Her lovely husband ‘Alan’ also in spirit, came to collect her and took her hand to the light.


Another earthbound was causing tension in a house with the occupant and her daughter who were afraid to use one of the bedrooms.   He was an older teenager who was guarding ‘his space’ in a bedroom. You can relate this to a typical teenager telling you to get out of his room.

Wearing headphones, he challengingly rushed to stand right in front of my face and confront me before returning to his DJ station situated to the side of the room. His temptation was rock music and he passed to the light using the temptation of  a ‘rock concert’.


A family member of mine had a young man who we think had come home with her from a hospital appointment. She was at a vulnerable point in her life after a relationship break up, following by a medical diagnosis so was at a weak point in her life therefore, without realising it, she was an open invitation to an opportunist.

The focus of this earthbound spirit was ‘hunger’.

Her fear gave him the power to engage in paranormal activity by moving and breaking household items. Fridge doors were opened, objects smashed, food disappeared into thin air and her two dogs were unsettled, constantly barking at targeted areas in the house. He was not intentionally meaning malice but he needed to be moved on, with love and respect.

I'd also like to mention a little girl in spirit who was around 5 years old and was wondering where the toys and other children were. A Great Aunt came to assist and as she passed to the light, she turned around and smiled at me.

This is very much now part of my life and practice and Im not entirely sure how I arrived here.

I just wanted to share this as there is no need to be frightened. In fact, I'd be more afraid of the living.

This was not written to instill fear but to educate that not everthing which we cannot see is necessarily bad. 

Spirit Rescue
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