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Aura Clearance

Aura clearance therapy is a treatment working with the more complex auric field.

The Aura

The Science

When scientists split the atom, they realised that everything is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies, including us.

As humans, we function on a slower vibration, so we are visible as a solid form of matter and radiate a low level of electricity known as our electromagnetic field. 

In simple terms, we are made up of a giant electric field which holds our atoms together.  

Our aura is complex and created from a combination of electrical, light, heat, electro-magnetic and sound emanations from our body with perhaps some additions of unquantifiable elements.

The Aura

The aura is the energy which you or somebody around you omits.

When you are in the company of someone who makes you feel comfortable or even nervous, this is your reaction to their energy which they are radiating at that time.

One of the main purposes of the aura is to act as a protective membrane between us and other living beings or we would be constantly picking up on every other person's emotional and mental state.

We can however still absorb the emotions of others without being fully aware of it. This can contribute to an imbalance in our own body causing us to feel 'under the weather'.


The aura is made up of a series of cocoon shaped layers which each have their own role to play. Some of us can see them and some can feel them.

The auric field is often overlooked in healing practices and disciplines however it is an energy system in its own right.

It is an extension of our personality and emotional, mental and physical landscape.

I view the aura as our book of life. What we experience in the physical body has a metaphysical effect and within it contains a blueprint of these experiences. It portrays our current awareness, feelings, emotions, mental state, life encounters, habits, hopes and longings.

The aura is our life force and within it we have chakras.

The Chakras

Chakras are psychic centres within our auric field.

There are considered to be over a hundred chakras but for this purpose, we will look at the main seven. 

They exist along the central line of our universal life force current, in simple terms our breath of life.

Our energy flows through the aura and through the subtle nervous system in our astral body.

The subtle body consists of these chakra focal points which are connected by energy tubes (like flowing rivers) known as Nardis or Meridians.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the Nadis are considered to be 'function based,' while the Meridians are linked to 'internal organs'.

They are however both based upon the same concept of transporting and distributing energy so it all finally comes down to optimal “functioning of body and mind.”

For our purpose, I will refer to them as 'meridians'.

Our chakras are constantly expanding and reducing as they gather the information from our auric layers so that it can be processed.​ Their role is to vitalise the energeitc body and in turn, the physical body.  

When the chakras are working effectively, you will function at your optimum and you feel energised.

When they are not working effectively, it can cause stress, negativity and un-wellness.

Through our life experiences, we have an ability to switch off parts of ourselves that we are afraid of, for example a traumatic experience and so the emotion becomes buried deep inside us. This causes the chakra to work less effectively. 

The chakras regulate the meridians hence why blocked energy can often be found along the meridian lines. These are energy pathways which link to major organs and the endocrine system, although their origin is emotionally linked.

Blocked chakras can manifest in many different ways.

  • It can cause physical, mental, or emotional imbalances and you may start to feel disconnected from yourself or others.

  • You may have a feeling of no willpower or have the opposite effect of feeling reckless and out of control.

  • You may have an unhealthy desire or a greed for something specific.

  • An emotional imbalance can reflect with issues in communicating.

  • You may have negative feelings of insecurity or loneliness.

  • We may feel the onset of physical issues like headaches or pain.

This is because what happens in the energy body on an emotional level has an impact on our physical body.

An Anology

To give a better understanding, here is an analogy of how it works.

Think of a town.

The meridians are the roads and the chakras are the buildings situated at each intersection. The cars (your energy) travel up and down these roads to visit each building.

The roads (meridians) need to be suitable for the cars to travel on as they are needed for the energy to travel through.  If a road becomes blocked (ie. a town roadblock) it not only affects that road but the neighbouring roads too.

Ideally, your chakras will always be open so that this direction of energy can flow through them however, they will only work effectively when the whole system works.

Hopefully, this has given you an understanding on how complex our aura is.

Aura Clearance Therapy is a combination of techniques used in different ways to help you to heal in relieving trapped energy (roadblocks). from specific areas in the astral body.

Reiki or Aura Cleansing Therapy?

In both treatments, I interact with a client’s energy field in a deeply intuitive way to energetically support them into alignment towards healing themselves. A treatment involves clearing, balancing and renewing the energy field that supports physical and emotional health to improve quality of life.

​Aura Cleansing differs from reiki as it is works with removing any restrictions within the aura as well as in the flow of energy between the meridians and the main energy centres. It covers general wellness, psychic attacks, attachment, addictions, old injuries and past life traumas.

The techniques requires me to be more 'physically' active during a treatment as the client lies comfortably in a tranquil environment with a background of soporific music.

A treatment lasts for one hour.

If you feel the need to totally switch off and de-stress from a world of chatter and have some quality time for yourself to become more balanced in general, then a reiki treatment is a good choice.

The Chakras

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