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End of Life

"The greatest priviledge of a human life is to become a soul midwife to the awakening of the Soul in another person"

Reiki for terminal illness and pain relief. End of Life Care

I feel truly honoured to have been accredited as a Soul Midwife.

Covid has brought a huge shift in the awareness of death and dying although there is still very much an enormous fear on the subject.

There is a phobia to speak about the "D" word so therfore not enough understanding.

Talking about dying does not make it happen or happen any faster.

A Soul Midwife shares the burden to give unconditional tender loving care in helping someone to die.

Being there when they are in crisis and feeling very frightened.

Just being the greatest gift.

Sadly so many people are on their own and afraid to die alone.

A Soul Midwife works to remove the fear of isolation.

For our 'friend' to feel that human touch other than from that in a clinical environment.

This is deep spiritual work where a sacred space is created.

A broad spectrum is covered using gentle practice for meditations, breathing techniques, reliving memories, creating an end of life plan, acknowleding soul wounds and releasing...

This is about gently and skilfully holding the space as we follow the inspiring stages in the process of dying at a soul level as our 'friend' transitions back home to their spiritual awakening.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if every dying person had someone with them?


Assisting with End of Life

Support is provided to assist the end of life with a comfortable experience and help with the final journey of a loved one.

This is a deep soul connection for those with a life limiting and terminal illness where every single day differs.
Our ancestors held hands at home in front of a warm fire but in today's soceity, quite often our 'friend' passes in a clinical germ free environment.

Self isolation during the pandemic has taught us to adapt using technology when we could not be physically present to hold our 'friend's hand so we have embraced this to redevelop our skills.

Distance holds no barriers.

I am not medically trained but am able to provide healing, energy and compassion so that our 'friend' feels understood, loved and comforted.

The pace is determined by our 'friend' which could vary from just 10 minutes a day, once weekly, daily... and this will change as they begin to transition.

Letting go is a huge part of the transition and creating a sacred space makes a massive difference to their spiritual transformation.


Reiki for end of life comfort and terminal illness
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